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Cinema-tode Productions presents...

Dr. Laura Persson wins first place and People's Choice at the UCSF Postdoc Slam

Dr. L'Etoile speaks at the 2017 UCSF Alumni Weekend

Dr. Noelle L'Etoile
outlines the sleep project at the USCF Alumni Weekend

Reading a Worm's Mind

Nuclear GCaMP expressed from the pan-neuronal unc-31 promoter 

In collaboration with the Kato and Wittmann labs at UCSF

Small RNAs and memory -the Cell Video Abstract

Video abstract for Juang et al. Cell, 2013 

Naive C. elegans Chemotaxis

C. elegans that have been starved quickly chemotax to a food-odor spot

Adapted C. elegans Chemotaxis

C. elegans that have been starved in the presence of food- odor mostly ignore the food-odor spot.

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